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In today’s world, smart home technology offers innovative solutions to make our lives more convenient, secure, and efficient. One such feature, presence simulation, is an ingenious way to enhance security and peace of mind. In this blog, we will explore how the Loxone system utilises presence simulation to create the illusion of occupancy, deterring potential intruders and offering unparalleled convenience for homeowners.

What is Presence Simulation?

Presence simulation is a smart home feature designed to mimic the behavior of occupants in a home or building when they are away. By recreating typical activities like turning lights on and off, adjusting blinds, and even playing multimedia, presence simulation makes it appear as if someone is home, thereby discouraging burglars and enhancing security.

How Presence Simulation Works in Loxone

Recording Regular Activities

Loxone system observes and records regular activities such as lighting patterns, blind movements, and multimedia usage over a period when the building is occupied. This data forms the basis for the presence simulation.

Playback Mode

When you are away, the system replays these recorded patterns to simulate presence. This can include:

  • Turning lights on and off at specific times.
  • Opening and closing blinds.
  • Playing music or television at intervals.

Randomisation for Realism

To enhance the realism, Loxone adds random variations to the playback. For instance, lights may turn on a few minutes earlier or later than they did originally, and blinds may move at slightly different times. This randomness makes the simulation more believable to anyone observing from outside.

Integration with Other Systems

Presence simulation integrates seamlessly with other smart systems like heating and cooling, ensuring that your home remains comfortable and energy-efficient even in your absence.

Remote Control

Using the Loxone App, you can activate or deactivate presence simulation remotely, giving you control and peace of mind no matter where you are.


The Loxone system allows you to customise which devices and systems are included in the presence simulation. This flexibility enables you to tailor the simulation to your specific needs and habits.

Benefits of Presence Simulation

Enhanced Security

By creating the appearance of occupancy, presence simulation deters potential intruders. A home that appears occupied is less likely to be targeted by burglars.


Presence simulation automates routine activities, providing peace of mind when you are away from home. You no longer need to worry about setting timers for lights or blinds.

Energy Efficiency

The Loxone system is designed to maintain energy-saving routines by automatically adjusting heating or cooling based on presence simulation. This feature ensures that your home remains energy-efficient even when you are away. For instance, when you’re on holiday mode, the system can significantly reduce energy consumption by regulating the temperature to optimal levels, preventing unnecessary heating or cooling in your absence. This not only conserves energy but also lowers utility costs, contributing to a more sustainable and cost-effective home environment.

Seamless Integration

Presence simulation integrates seamlessly with other Loxone smart home features, offering a comprehensive automation and security solution. This functionality extends to various systems within your home, including lighting, HVAC, and multimedia. Loxone ensures a cohesive and synchronised smart home experience, where all components work together to enhance comfort, efficiency, and security. By leveraging the full capabilities of the Loxone system, you can enjoy a truly integrated smart home that adapts to your lifestyle and preferences.


Presence simulation is a prime example of how the Loxone system leverages advanced technology to provide enhanced security and convenience for homeowners. By mimicking everyday activities, it helps protect your home in a smart and efficient manner. With the Loxone App, you have the power to control and customise this feature, ensuring that your home is always safe and energy-efficient. Invest in Loxone’s presence simulation today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is secure, even when you are not there.

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